The latest and hottest gossip doing rounds of B Town is that pretty actress Preeti Jhangiani was recently caught without her panty on while promoting her maiden production Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande. She was in a short black dress but somehow must have forgotten to put on panties when some shutterbugs caught her in this pose. Previously, many celebrities of Bollywood have been caught pantyless like Shamita Shetty and later Yana Gupta, Neetu Chandra and more recently Sonali Bendre to name a few. Now the no panty act by beautiful innocent looking heroine Preeti has created a storm online.
Preeti Jhangiani Without Panty, Preeti Jhangiani Wardrobe Malfunction
The latest and hottest gossip doing rounds of B Town is that pretty actress Preeti Jhangiani was recently caught without her panty on while promoting her maiden production Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande. She was in a short black dress but somehow must have forgotten to put on panties when some shutterbugs caught her in this pose. Previously, many celebrities of Bollywood have been caught pantyless like Shamita Shetty and later Yana Gupta, Neetu Chandra and more recently Sonali Bendre to name a few. Now the no panty act by beautiful innocent looking heroine Preeti has created a storm online.