Ragini MMS is the most awaited Ekta Kapoor movie in May. The movie is based of true life story of a couple who experienced some weird paranormal activity during their lovemaking while on a date. The movie has already garnered a huge publicity because of reported explicit scenes and dialogues. Reportedly, censor board has cut 3 scenes from the movie where couple talk dirty, boy asks girl for blowjob and tells her about the effect of aphrodisiac on her body very figuratively. The movie has got A certificate as expected.
What is more, it is beaing reported that the actual girl Ragini whose real life experience is ready to sue the movie makers if she is not shown movie beforehand. She contends that any kind of fidgeting with story can mar her image.
Here are some photos and videos from movie.
Ragini MMS Trailers
Raat Akeli Hai